Saturday , September 21 2024
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Basic Life Support Training – BIMA Lifesavers course 2024

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh brothers and sisters in Islam,

“And whoever saves a life it is as though he had saved the lives of all mankind

(5:32) The Holy Qura’an

We are excited to announce that, following the highly successful events of the past few years, the British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA) is once again offering FREE basic life-saving skills training. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn essential skills that could help save lives!

Learning basic life-saving skills, such as CPR or the Heimlich manoeuvre, can be crucial in emergencies where every second counts. These skills empower individuals to respond quickly and effectively, potentially saving lives before professional help arrives. Whether it’s performing chest compressions during cardiac arrest or stopping severe bleeding, knowing how to act in critical moments can mean the difference between life and death. By equipping yourself with these skills, you’re not only safeguarding your loved ones but also contributing to the safety of your community.

The training session will last approximately 1 hour, and all participants will receive light refreshments. Dr Mohammed Al Hariri and Dr Ashfaq Khadi will be leading the training for brothers, while Dr Samia Naseem will be conducting the session for sisters.

This is a community event organised in conjunction with British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA).

Everyone is welcome! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn valuable life-saving skills and join us for this important event.

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