Friday , February 21 2025
Home / New Mosque Building / Eastbourne Mosque Planning Permission

Eastbourne Mosque Planning Permission

Dear brothers and sister in Islam,

Asalamu Alikom,

As you are well aware Eastbourne Mosque has submitted an application for a new mosque. This application can be viewed here. You can view the full details here as well.

You may wish to view all the planning and supporting details on this link.

Come and support your local mosque by telling the council here how important it is for us to have a new building which would cater the needs of our growing community. Simply click here and fill out the form.

And may Allah reward you for your support for his house..

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  1. Good afternoon, I have just moved to Ashford Square and saw, with interest on your website, the plans for your new mosque – good luck with it all, the pictures are most impressive.
    I am wondering how you are going to deal with the increase in traffic/parking and potential noise please?
    Also, there are night shift workers in the square who need to sleep during the day.

    Many thanks and I hope all’s well.
    kind regards

    • Hi Rob

      Welcome to Ashford Square and the neighbourhood. Our plans have been approved and we intend to rebuild the mosque. The mosque is a peaceful place where people pray and learn about good citizenship. We do not anticipate an increase in traffic because we are not increasing our membership or expanding. We are only bringing the mosque building into the 21st century. Similarly, we do not anticipate any noise as we pray calmly and silently. There is no chanying or loud speeches. The noisiest part of this square is the train. There will be nothing like the train noise. We hope you will be happy within this square and if you need to know anyhting further please keep in touch. Best wsihes. Taleb Durgahee

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