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  1. Hello

    I am a student host and I have a new student who is wanting to come a pray with you. I know you have moved out of the Mosque. Please could you let me know where you are meeting so I may let my student have the address?

    Many thanks

    • Hello!

      We are currently praying the majority of the prayers at a temporary site in the same place as the old mosque. However, prayers which normally involve more people prayed at sites which can handle larger capacities. Juma’a (Friday) prayers are held at:
      Langney Village Hall,
      Etchingham Road
      East Sussex
      BN23 7DX

      Where as during Ramadan, Taraweeh prayers are held at:
      St Marys Hampden Park Church
      69 Decoy Drive
      BN22 9PP

      I hope that helps!

      • I am coming for family day out eastbourne on friday could you please let me know for juma pray timmings and address . JazaqAllah

        • Asalamu Alikom Mustafa,

          Friday prayers are being held currently temporarily at:

          Langney Village Hall,
          Etchingham Road
          East Sussex
          BN23 7DX

          Prayers start from approx. 1:15 pm.

          This is the case until our new mosque is completed.

          Jazakom Allah khair

      • Can you send me your mobile number or the mosque telephone number?
        جزاك الله

        • At the moment we don’t have an active phone line due to the ongoing construction works. We have a community WhatsApp group which we can add you to keep you posted. Feel free to email your number to: webmaster[at] and I can arrange for you to be added.

      • Al Salam alaykom, brother,

        Can you pear explain where exactly do you pray in the current constructing area (mosque).

        I dropped by, and couldn’t find any temporary place for prayers.

        Thank you, jazak Allah khair.

        • Walikom asalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatoh,

          Firstly, apologies for the delay in responding back.

          Next to the new mosque’s construction site, we are currently using the portakabin as a temporary site for all 5 prayers for every day of the year alhamdulilah. It’s on the far end of the building site towards the multi-story car park.

          I hope that you find that helpful and inshallah we see you there.

          Wasalamu alikom

  2. Assalamu alaikum,

    I have currently moved to Eastbourne and I was wondering if there are any hifdth or quran classes for Sisters?

    Kind Regard,

    • Walikom Asalam,

      Unfortunately we don’t have these classes at this moment in time, but inshaAllah with the completion of the new mosque we will be able to re-commence these classes for our sisters.

      Jazakom Allah khair

  3. Assalamulaikum brother in Islam. What time is your juma prayers and address please. Jzk

    • Asalamu Alikom Syed,

      Welcome to our lovely town of Eastbourne.

      Friday prayers are being held currently temporarily at:

      Langney Village Hall,
      Etchingham Road
      East Sussex
      BN23 7DX

      Prayers start from approx. 1:15 pm.

      This is the case until our new mosque is completed.

      Jazakom Allah khair

  4. As-salamaliakum
    We recently move here at Eastbourne!

    Do you know if you will having Mothers & Kids group once mosque finish? In Sha Allah

    Jazakallahu Khair

    • Walikom Asalam,

      Welcome to our lovely town of Eastbourne.

      Inshallah we hope that when the new mosque is complete there will be regular scheduled activities for the sisters as well as the children. We had a similar schedule before and inshaAllah we intend to continue it in our new mosque.

      Jazakom Allah khair

  5. May I ask which English Quran you use / recommend. Thank you for any help.

  6. Do you provide any services in the mosque to each children how to pray on a weekend?

    • Asalamu alikom,
      At the moment we have a Saturday class aimed at children between 11 to 13.30 at Langney Village Hall where we usually hold Jumah prayer.

      Jazakom Allah khair

  7. At what address should we write to you? The letter sent was returned even though it is correct, with a note saying ‘address inaccessible’.

    • This is most likely due to our ongoing building works though we still have a post box for incoming mail.

      Are you writing to:

      40 Ashford Square, Eastbourne BN21 3TX

  8. Is Eastbourne mosque open again for juma prayers? If not, when do you expect it to open again?

    • We are currently using the Langney Village Hall (details in the side bar) for Jumah prayers. However, there is a portacabin at the mosque site for all the other prayers.

      Unfortunately we don’t have an exact date as of yet when we would be opening the new Mosque, but soon inshallah.

      Jazakom Allah khair.

  9. Hello. My fiancee wants to convert into Islam. Can you advice me?

    Kind regards

    • Hello Sarah,

      Thank you very much for reaching out.

      I would strongly advice that your fiancee gets in touch with our imam at: eastbournemoque[at]

  10. My Dear Brothers and Sisters in faith, here in Eastbourne, I can not begin to tell you how heavy my heart is at the news that came this morning of the attack in Finsbury. These are defining times where all hatred and intolerance of others must be challenged if we are not to descend into a pit of bitter strife. Know that you are all in our prayers at this time.
    Tony Mottram Church Warden St John’s Church Meads.

    • Dear Tony,

      Thank you very much for your kind message of support.

      Truly, they tragic times; but we mustn’t let the actions of a few minority that are driven by both hatred and intolerance divide us. We are one community and we stand united against such actions.

      Tony, again, thank you so much for your kind words of support.



  11. Salaams,

    I was wondering if there is a Mosque number or some way I can find out which day is Eid. 25th or 26th of June? Is there going to be an online or telephone announcement for it?

    Kind regards,

    • Walikom Asalam Dr. Khan,

      In view of the ongoing building work, we don’t have a phone number at the moment, however I will be keeping the website updated as promptly as possible to ensure everyone know which day it will.

      Stay tuned.

      Jazakom Allah Khair

  12. Where are Friday prayers today? We are visiting Eastbourne today

    • Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

      They are held at:
      Langney Village Hall,
      Etchingham Road
      East Sussex
      BN23 7DX

  13. Salamun aleykum. I am going to move in Eastbourne. Do you have a classes for children teaching Kuran lessons.

    • Walikom Asalam Ahmet,

      We hold children’s classes between 11 to 13.30. We hope to see your children there soon once you move.

  14. Assalamu alaykum
    I am thinking to move to Eastbourne I want to know is it safe for kids and families
    How big is the Muslim community in Eastbourne

    • Walikom asalam Adam,

      Eastbourne is a lovely quit town which is very safe for families and children. Many people move here and end up staying here because of how lovely it is.

      The Muslim community here is relatively small compared to other towns and cities but alhamdulilah it’s growing. We have roughly around 200 Muslim families in the area with a wonderful community spirit within.

  15. We at Age Concern Eastbourne have been running a men’s shed for the last couple of years – its a workshop where older people, 95% men, come to potter about, make things from wood and or metal and make friends with other older men.

    We were wondering when the new Mosque will be finished because we’d like to make you a small gift to mark its opening – we do lots of community work around the town with care homes, churches, community groups, schools. If you are interested please let me know

    And if any of your followers are interested in coming to the Shed please contact me for details
    Best wishes

    • Dear John,

      Thank you so much for getting in touch and the kind gesture. It means a lot to us to have support from the wider Eastbourne community.

      By the grace of God we are approaching the final stages of the construction project and we hope that it will be completed in the next 6-8 months. Please stay tuned for the latest updates.

      I will distribute your Shed details to the Muslim community and direct them towards you.

      Again, thank you so much for reaching out and your kind gesture.

      Kind regards,

  16. Hello, I recently converted to Islam. I wish to speak with someone about practising prayer. Please can you advise me? Thank you

    • Asalamu alikom Anna,

      First of all, on behalf of the Muslim community in Eastbourne and the wider community I would like to welcome you into Islam.

      Please get in touch with us on webmaster[at] letting me know your contact details and I will pass them onto our Imam for you right away. We also have a local community WhatsApp group which I can add you to as well if you wish to keep you posted as to what’s happening locally.

      At the moment we are re-building our mosque but I am sure we will be able to find a way with the help of Allah to help and support you.

  17. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Does the sheikh hold marriage services at the mosque? If so, can the sheikh come out to the hotel where my wedding will be held and marry us?

    Please guide me

    جزاك الله خير

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      I am not 100% sure but if you email me on webmaster[at] the details I can pass them onto the Imam and get back to you as soon as possible inshaAllah.

  18. When and where is the jumaa prayer at the time being held??

    • As per the website’s sidebar, Jumah prayer is being held at:

      Langney Village Hall,
      Etchingham Road
      East Sussex
      BN23 7DX

      And it starts from around 13:00 with the English khutbah starting at 13:15

  19. Asalam alaykom This is the 25.12.2017 is the mosque open today?
    Asalam alaykom

    • Walikom asalam,

      Yes, the mosque (currently the portakabin next to the building site) is being used temporarily for all 5 prayers for every day of the year alhamdulilah.

  20. Salam Brother.. I had just made a transfer. To donate to the mosquebut it stated I topped up a mobile pre-paid plan. Can you please check for me. I am from Singapore .tks

    • Walikom asalam brother Hasan,

      I just searched through our Paypal records and there is nothing showing up for your email/name.

      Please email me on: donate[at]eastbournemosque[dot]com telling me how you sent your donation and I will look into it further for you.

      Alternatively, you could have a look at our donation page on: to look at alternative ways of donating. Paypal works well for Singapore.

      Jazakom Allah khair.

  21. Assalamualaikum..
    Insha Allah i will send donations in the middle of February, besides i need a confirmation from you if any completed mosque project in Bening city, Nigeria?

    • Walikom asalam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh,

      InshaAllah. May Allah swt reward you for your generosity. As far as I am aware, we have not been involved in any projects abroad including Bening City, Nigeria. We are focusing our fund-raising efforts for the purpose of completing our local mosque.

      Jazakom Allah khair.

  22. Please would you contact me regarding a donation Id like to make. jzk

  23. Salah Al Mazruii

    My name is Salah Al Mazruii
    I tried to donate through the form then decided to donate via PayPal Al Hamdu LLAH but still getting emails (Your PALACE in Jannah?) because i didn’t continue through the form
    Thanks any way
    Hoping the Masjed project accomplished before Ramadan
    Hope also to pray in it soon in shaa allah
    All the best

    • Walikom Asalam Salah,

      Fist of all, Jazakom Allah khair for your donation and generosity. May Allah swt reward you for it.

      Unfortunately, the form you mention and Paypal are two separate programs which don’t communicate. There should be an “unsubscribe” link in the emails though.

      Inshallah we hope to be praying in there very soon.

      Again, Jazakom Allah khair for your generosity

  24. Asalam w alaykum,

    I have recently moved to Eastbourne.

    I know the mosque is under construction, in the mean time where will Taraweeh prayers be held?

  25. Salamo alikom

    Is there iftar in the mosque?

    Gazakom allaho khairan

  26. Salam alaikom , can you please tell me what time is Eiduladha prayer for 2019 thanks

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