Saturday , March 29 2025
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Latest Eastbourne Mosque progress

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh,

Dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

I realise the last update was only a few days ago but I am very excited to share with you a video tour (below) of how our new Eastbourne Mosque is progressing as it approaches the final stages before we use it.


As you can see, the carpets have been fitted throughout the mosque and masha’Allah it looks wonderful.


I hope you enjoy the following video tour until may be able to start praying in it soon insha’Allah.



Brothers and Sisters none of this again would have been possible without your continuous support and kind, generous donations. We are nearly there and still in need of your generous contributions to complete our Mosque, so please kindly help however you can and donate as much as you can. At the time of writing this update, we have roughly £45,000 remaining for us to raise. Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success.


Jazakum Allah Khayran

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