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Jummah prayer on 4th May 2018

Dear Brothers & Sister,

On Friday 4th May 2018 we will NOT be praying at The Langney Villiage Hall.

The new location and time for Jummah on that day is as follows:

Willingdon Trees Community Centre
101 Holly Place
Hampden Park
BN22 0UT

Prayer time will be: 1:15pm

Please kindly bring your own Musallah. In Sha Allah we will resume back to The Langney Village Hall on Friday 11th May.

Jazākum Allāh Khayran



May 2018 prayer times

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh brothers and sisters in Islam,

Below is the prayer timetable for May 2018 with Iqamaah times.

Click on the image below to see it in full size and please feel free to print and share.


April 2018 Newsletter

Assalamwalaikoum Brothers and Sisters in Islam,


Below is your copy of the April 2018 EICC newsletter.

New Mosque
MaA sha Aallah, the construction of the mosque has progressed very well and In sha Allah, we will be praying in our new mosque before Ramadan. The building is close to completion and we thank all the people who have contributed generously and made it possible to have a secure mosque for the people of Eastbourne. Security measures have incurred extra costs. May Allah reward all the donors and helpers and all their families with a House in Jannah.

We thank the community for being patient and the Groups that have been working behind the scene to ensure planning, construction and the smooth development of the mosque.

The vision is to In sha Allah develop the mosque into a vibrant centre with religious, educational and social activities for the community. There will be consultation (Mashwara) and community involvement to ensure we altogether move forward as a strong united Muslim community.


In sha Allah,Masjid education will be developed for adults and children. Details to follow In sha Allah.


Maintenance of the Mosque
It is our duty to ensure the mosque is maintained and used with care. Maintenance is costly and we appeal to the community for a regular donation through Direct Debit In sha Allah. It is your donations and income generation initiatives that will ensure we continue to provide existing and new services.


Taraweeh Prayer
Ramadan timetable is being prepared and will be available soon. In sha Allah, there will be short talks /workshops before Maghrib during the weekends about fasting etiquette and Ramadan Matters In sha Allah. Iftar will be celebrated in the Masjid and a list will be available for brothers and sisters who wish to contribute. Isha Salat followed by Taraweeh prayer will start at 11.00pm and we encourage all brothers and sisters to attend so that we can pray Taraweeh together as one community in our new mosque. However, arrangements are being made to have a second Taraweeh prayer for those who are working late at night.


Eid Prayer
We aim to continue to hold the Eid Party In sha Allah, after the Eid prayer. We will need volunteers as usual. Details will be announced nearer the time.


Volunteers are needed for all various activities including:


Presenting Islam to the wider community (open days, inviting neighbours to the masjid and so on)


Supporting the youths in various ways, organising activities and so on


Maintaining the Masjid
Cleaning, Car Park and so on. Further Consultation will be on-going and we welcome your suggestion.



Please send your suggestion to eastbournemosque[at] or via our website.



Latest Eastbourne Mosque progress

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh,

Dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

I realise the last update was only a few days ago but I am very excited to share with you a video tour (below) of how our new Eastbourne Mosque is progressing as it approaches the final stages before we use it.


As you can see, the carpets have been fitted throughout the mosque and masha’Allah it looks wonderful.


I hope you enjoy the following video tour until may be able to start praying in it soon insha’Allah.



Brothers and Sisters none of this again would have been possible without your continuous support and kind, generous donations. We are nearly there and still in need of your generous contributions to complete our Mosque, so please kindly help however you can and donate as much as you can. At the time of writing this update, we have roughly £45,000 remaining for us to raise. Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success.


Jazakum Allah Khayran

New Mosque April 2018 Update

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh,

Dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

Firstly, it is a great pleasure in updating you with what has been happening since our last update. We are very excited and pleased to announce that finally the carpets are being fitted in with no further delays. As you will see from the pictures below, considerable amount of work has been accomplished. Downstairs area as well as the stairways have their carpets fitted and now work has started upstairs to complete all the remaining carpeting.

We are also pleased to announce the wudu area and toilets are also completed and are fully functional. As you will notice in the pictures the high level of quality and detail that has been put in to complete this section of the Mosque.

Brothers and Sisters, we are not far from entering our new Mosque to start praying. However, unfortunately, we are still short of funds which are imminent in order to enter the mosque in time for Ramadan.

We acknowledge that everyone has been and is being very generous for the cause of Allah and helping in completing our mosque. We urge you all to be just that extra bit in your willingness to give for the sake of Allah swt so we can all benefit from the gains achieved.

Brothers and Sisters none of this again would have been possible without your continuous support and kind, generous donations. We are nearly there and still in need of your generous contributions to complete our Mosque, so please kindly help however you can and donate as much as you can. At the time of writing this update, we have roughly £66,100 remaining for us to raise. Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success.

Please admire the pictures below and ponder where we were and how far we have come.

May Allah swt bless you all for your hard work and generous donations, may Allah accept all our good intentions and grant us our house in Jannah. Ameen

Jazākum Allāh Khayran