Salam brothers and sisters in Islam.
Here is an update on the mosque construction:
The first phase of demolition has been completed – emptying and gutting mosque building, removal of the roof and asbestos. The hedges around the entrance to the mosque has also been removed (see photos) and now the second phase of demolition will begin tomorrow – Tuesday 5 April where the building walls will be demolished and the floor taken up.
The method of demolition has been approved by National Rail after sending an engineer down to the site and they are happy that the dust and debris will be contained. National Power has also visited the site and we are now waiting for a date to be set for the electrical cable diversion underground.
As the works will now escalate inshallah, more funds are needed. Brothers and sisters in Islam thank you for all your donations so far and to those of you who supported the fundraising event in Brighton last night, where almost £2500 was collected. May Allah reward you in multiples for your saddaqua.
There will be regular construction updates on the website and on twitter, so that we can all follow and experience together the transformation of our mosque.
JazakoumAllah khair