Friday , February 21 2025

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New Mosque Building – Update

Assalamwalaikoum Brothers and Sisters in Islam.

Ramadan has been a great opportunity to be generous and donate for Allah’s sake.InshAllah, all donations will be multiplied several times.

As usual, you have been fantastic by supporting our new mosque building appeal. The pledges are still coming but we have been able to collect £31,000 worth of pledges.

Thank you for this generous pledges and InshAllah we look forward to further donations and pledges.

May Allah guide us on the right path for building His House..

Eid prayers on Friday 17-07-2015

Assalamwalaikoum Brothers And Sisters In Islam,

EID Mubarak

Eid will be on Friday 17/07/15. and there will be two Jamaat/congregation:

First one will be at 8am

Second one at 10.00am

We look forward to welcoming you at the mosque.

EID Mubarak


July 2015 Newsletter

Assalamwalaikoum Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

  1. Ramadan Mubarak. May Allah accept our fasting and good deeds during this Holy Month.
  2. Thank you for continuing to donate money to the mosque for the new building. We are grateful to the entire community (local and beyond) for helping to raise the funds.

Our Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
‘The most beloved of places to Allah is the mosque’

The amount needed:

Cash in bank:        £220,000
Money needed to start building (with previous pledges):        £200,000
PHASE1:        £500,000
Cost for foundation, roof, walls, windows, doors, water, electricity and water tight building    

“Whoever builds a mosque for Allah – Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.”

Construction Plan
Our community wants to see the construction of the mosque to begin urgently. All formalities have been completed. We appeal to all members of our community to join together in the spirit of brotherhood to donate and to restore their direct debits, and help build the new mosque.
The building of a mosque is a way for a person to continue to earn blessings after death.
May Allah guide us to the right path in the construction of His House..

New Mosque Fund Appeal

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

Assalamwalaikoum WRB.

Ramadan is nearly here and we all look forward to a pious month feeling closer to Allah and focus on good deeds.

  • There will be two taraweeh session. The second one starting at 1.15 am for our brothers who work late shifts.
  • Everybody is welcome to the mosque for Iftar. There will be a list on the board for those who are willing to provide food for Iftar. Please put your name and telephone number.

The car park is for those who come to the mosque to pray. Please do not use it for long term parking which will be clamped. We are exploring putting barriers around the car park and provide a key at a small cost for those who wish to use our car park.

Since the mosque gathers and unites Muslims, Allah grants unrivalled rewards for its building which is inspired by the holy Qur’an and hadeeths of the prophet PBUH. Allah will build a house in Jannah for those who help build His House on earth. InshaAllah.
After extensive discussions, we are confident that the new mosque can be built for £500,000. We have around £300,000 with pledges. We need to raise another £200,000. Roughly, the mosque needs a donation of £1000 per head/family. We appeal to you to donate generously during the month of Ramadan and beyond so that the mosque can be built. Make your pledges now. We will also be collecting funds from other mosques.
Contractors will only sign the contract if we have sufficient funds or pledges. So, please come forward, join in and invest in Allah’s House.
If we have sufficient pledges/donations, construction could start after Ramadan InshaAllah. We can do it together. Let us unite our efforts to provide a mosque for the future, for our children and for Islam in Eastbourne. Thank you..

Eid Prayer On Saturday 4/10/2014

Assalamwalaikoum Brothers And Sisters In Islam,

EID Mubarak

Eid will be on Saturday 4.10.14. and there will be two Jamaat/congregation:

First one will be at 8 am

Second one at 10.00 am

We look forward to welcoming you at the mosque..