Friday , February 21 2025

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Ramadan 2014

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

As-Salamu Alaykum

Ramadan 2014

From tomorrow inshallah the Holy month of Ramadan will be commencing.

Taraweeh prayer will be starting from today at 23:00.

May Allah accept our fasting, prayers and all our good deeds.

Please take this opportunity to donate generously to our new mosque project.

Waslamu alikom.


The Eastbourne Faith Forum is holding its annual Interfaith Event on 20.11.13 at 7 pm at the Congress Suite, Congress Theatre, Eastbourne.
The title of the evening is ‘Contrary to Popular Belief’ which aims to clarify misconceptions.

Several religions will be represented and our Imam will be one of the speakers representing Islam.

Everybody is invited. Please come along and support this event.

We look forward to welcoming you all and the wider community to this popular event..


In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. Assalamu Alaikum waRahmatullah WBR.

1. Blessed Ramadan: “When the month of Ramadan comes, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of the Hellfire are closed, and the devils are chained.” (Reported by al-Bukhari) The Prophet (PBUH) has called this month – a blessed month and a great month.

2. Mosque Bank Accounts: Allah swt has guided the bank to unblock the accounts of His House and Lloyds Bank will compensate the Mosque for the inconvenience. Please do not cancel your direct debit. Allah promises the recompense of seven hundred times of what a believer spends for His sake (maintenance of His House..Our Masjid). Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5073; Muslim, 993. And Allaah is the Source of Strength.

3. Thank you for your donation. The Mosque Management Committee urges the community to donate money for water, electricity and salaries. Join us to maintain our mosque for prayer and free education of our children. Allah SWT will shade those who give in charity. Your generous donation will be spent on maintaining the House of Allah. InshaAllah the new mosque will be realised also.

4. Unauthorised Meetings in the mosque are not allowed. The mosque is the place we purify ourselves spiritually. The Mosque belongs to everybody for prayer and learning. “The mosques of Allah shall be visited and maintained by such as believe in Allah and the Last Day, establish regular prayers, and practice regular charity, and fear none (at all) except Allah (Quran Chapter 9 Verse 18).
5. The Trustees are the legal guardians of the mosque. The Mosque is legally and lawfully Registered Charitable Company 1152022. We pray to Allah to make us of those who are able to benefit from this Ramadan and reap the benefits and rewards of this blessed month (Ameen)
The Management Committee invites our congregation to suggest/put forward agenda items. Please email them to If you have a concern that you wish the management committee to discuss and take forward on your behalf, please let us know.




The New Management Committee had its first meeting. It was a very good start and will work positively to ensure our new mosque building is realised. The Trustees will ensure our mosque is safeguarded and be a beacon of collaboration as it has been for the last 15 years.

FIRE SAFETY: The fire officers have inspected the building and fitted new fire detectors. Exits are sufficient and Br Hamid is working on a drawing to show exits. All exits should be open during Jummah

EICC: The Trustees are liable for any accidents, damages, building problems, neighbour disputes, and legal action against asbestos, highways, and compensation claims. This means the Trustees are personally responsible for all these risks. In order to eliminate all these possible risks, EICC has been converted into a CHARITABLE Limited Company limiting Trustees to only £10 liability. The aims and objectives of EICC remain the same. EICC is a Registered Charity No: 1152022

New Mosque Building: The architect is working on suggested amendments. We will prepare for building regulations, implementation of legal agreements with ESCC and obtain estimates from building contractors.

EID PARTY: This will be held in the mosque this year. Sister Shameem is the organiser. Help needed please.
