Saturday , February 1 2025

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

The next meeting of the Fundraising Group will be on 17.3.13 after Zuhr prayer in the mosque. The agenda is Fund Collection From Other Mosques.

The community wants to see progress and urges everybody to concentrate on how we can raise funds so that the building can start. Key people willing to help raise funds in other mosques will be given a letter of authorisation so that funds are collected responsibly. Those interested to go round the country to collect funds, please bring a passport size photograph to be appended to the letter from the Chairman.

As you know, we have collected 285,000 pounds so far and we need to have at least 350,000 to start the building. InshaAllah, with the effort of the community we will get there soon. I am also attaching our planning consent confirmed by the Eastbourne Borough Council.

The Management Committee would like to thank the entire community for working hard and for the donations. May Allah build a House in Jannah for all of us InshaAllah.

Please click below to view our planning permisssion granted for building a new mosque in Eastbourne.

Taleb Durgahee


EID 2012

Assalam walaikoum brothers and sisters in Islam.

Welcome to our masjid on this day of celebration, especially those who are new to Eastbourne and those who have recently embraced Islam. We extend our brotherhood and love to you. May you find peace, fulfilment and piety in Islam. I would like to talk to you about the future of our masjid.

For those who do not know, the Council has given us planning permission to rebuild our mosque. We have just had our second Live TV Appeal and in total our funds are rising up to £300,000 InshaAllah. This is a tremendous achievement and you should be proud of this. All of us should be proud. Achievements like this come our way only because we have good Muslims here and elsewhere who care about our religion and our masjid.

We are a success story but let me remind you Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It is courage that counts. It is courage that helps us to build on success and rise from failure. We need your courage to push for a better Masjid for our next generation, you need the courage to step forward and lend a hand to realise our dream. May Allah guide us to use this courage to safeguard the future of Islam in Eastbourne. We need each and every one of us to show the courage to start the building soon.

Brothers and Sisters, The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Our dream is to have a safe mosque, better facilities for our children to be educated in Islam, better facilities, more teachers, better wadu facilities and excellent amenities for our ladies. This is our dream, your dream and everybody’s dream. Show courage because Boldness has genius, power, and magic of Allah in it.” It is this boldness, this courage that will help us to start the building InshaAllah next year. Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you’re scared. I hope you are a little bit scared by what I am saying because this will awaken the courage in you InshaAllah. Let us today have a great dream and start digging the foundation of our Masjid next year. Let us have faith in Allah the ultimate provider. If you think we are  building castles in the air, then you must begin your work to put the foundations under them.

Resilience is what our community has. The islamic community here has the ability to keep going even when things get tough and we will see the job through. With your help and Allah’s support, we will get there. Our community has many talented people in all kinds of professions and skills. We need you to be an active member, come forward and offer your skills to the mosque and to our local community. Without you, we are weaker, together we can go forward confidently and fulfil our dream.

As we reach the conclusion of this holy month of Ramadan, I would like to wish you all a heartfelt, happy and blessed Eid. May you celebrate and enjoy this auspicious day with your family, friends and loved ones, and take forward the positive intentions and good faith you have practiced over the last 30 days.

Let me also take this opportunity to thank you all for the sincere support and generosity you have shown to our brothers and sisters suffering in Syria and other countries as well as those vulnerable communities in the UK. May Allah accept and reward your kindness and good deeds. I pray that you continue to do all that you can to help our community and our mosque.



Fundraising Group Meeting at Eastbourne Mosque on Friday after Jummah. All welcome.


Please donate generously and visit our You can donate by phone, by direct debit or paypal on our website. Do not forget every little bit helps and your smile

‘Do not belittle any good deed, even if it be meeting your brother with a cheerful face’       (Hadith-Muslim)
‘Every good deed is sadaqah(charity). To meet your brother with a smiling face (is sadaqah)’ (Hadith-Bukhari).


Eastbourne Mosque aims to rebuild our present mosque to provide better facilities for prayer, teaching our children, improving facilities for our ladies and ensuring the continuity of Islam in Eastbourne. Our mosque plays an important part in the wider community. The building is antiquated and unsafe. We urgently need to have a safe new building.

We are very grateful to all brothers and sisters who have contributed so far and continue to support our fundraising. Our last TV appeal was successful and so far we have raised £260,000. Our target is to raise £600,000

Eastbourne Mosque will be holding another LIVE TV APPEAL ON ATN BANGLA TV UK on Sunday 12.8.12 from Asr to Fajr. Please tell your friends, relatives and all Muslims around the world to watch our appeal, to call the studio to demonstrate your support and donate generously. This is the Holy Month of Ramadan and all donations made with sincerity for the sake of Allah is multiplied 700 times. Eastbourne Mosque invites you to take advantage of this great opportunity and join hands with us in brotherhood. You can donate through our website or direct to our bank account.

Eastbourne Mosque  wishes you a reflective Ramadan to spend our time in worship, brotherhood and charity. We look forward to and thank you for your generous donation.
