Below is the up to date monthly prayer timetable for Eastbourne.
Feel free to download, save and print the monthly timetables.
Prayer Timetable for March
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Zuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
1 | 05:12 | 06:42 | 12:12 | 15:05 | 17:41 | 19:11 |
2 | 05:10 | 06:40 | 12:11 | 15:06 | 17:43 | 19:13 |
3 | 05:08 | 06:38 | 12:11 | 15:07 | 17:44 | 19:14 |
4 | 05:06 | 06:36 | 12:11 | 15:09 | 17:46 | 19:16 |
5 | 05:04 | 06:34 | 12:11 | 15:10 | 17:48 | 19:18 |
6 | 05:02 | 06:32 | 12:11 | 15:11 | 17:49 | 19:19 |
7 | 04:59 | 06:29 | 12:10 | 15:12 | 17:51 | 19:21 |
8 | 04:57 | 06:27 | 12:10 | 15:13 | 17:53 | 19:23 |
9 | 04:55 | 06:25 | 12:10 | 15:14 | 17:54 | 19:24 |
10 | 04:53 | 06:23 | 12:10 | 15:16 | 17:56 | 19:26 |
11 | 04:51 | 06:21 | 12:09 | 15:17 | 17:58 | 19:28 |
12 | 04:49 | 06:19 | 12:09 | 15:18 | 17:59 | 19:29 |
13 | 04:46 | 06:16 | 12:09 | 15:19 | 18:01 | 19:31 |
14 | 04:44 | 06:14 | 12:08 | 15:20 | 18:03 | 19:33 |
15 | 04:42 | 06:12 | 12:08 | 15:21 | 18:04 | 19:34 |
16 | 04:40 | 06:10 | 12:08 | 15:22 | 18:06 | 19:36 |
17 | 04:37 | 06:07 | 12:08 | 15:23 | 18:08 | 19:38 |
18 | 04:35 | 06:05 | 12:07 | 15:24 | 18:09 | 19:39 |
19 | 04:33 | 06:03 | 12:07 | 15:25 | 18:11 | 19:41 |
20 | 04:31 | 06:01 | 12:07 | 15:26 | 18:13 | 19:43 |
21 | 04:29 | 05:59 | 12:06 | 15:27 | 18:14 | 19:44 |
22 | 04:26 | 05:56 | 12:06 | 15:28 | 18:16 | 19:46 |
23 | 04:26 | 05:56 | 12:06 | 15:28 | 18:16 | 19:46 |
24 | 04:24 | 05:54 | 12:06 | 15:29 | 18:18 | 19:48 |
25 | 04:20 | 05:50 | 12:05 | 15:31 | 18:21 | 19:51 |
26 | 04:17 | 05:47 | 12:05 | 15:32 | 18:22 | 19:52 |
27 | 04:15 | 05:45 | 12:05 | 15:33 | 18:24 | 19:54 |
28 | 04:13 | 05:43 | 12:04 | 15:33 | 18:26 | 19:56 |
29 | 04:11 | 05:41 | 12:04 | 15:34 | 18:27 | 19:57 |
30 | 05:08 | 06:38 | 13:04 | 16:35 | 19:29 | 20:59 |
31 | 05:06 | 06:36 | 13:03 | 16:36 | 19:31 | 21:01 |
Jummah / Friday Prayer Times:
First salah: 12:00
Second salah: 13:00 (temporary)
I need the prayer time for ramadannperiod
Prayer times for Ramadan 2016 are available from the side bar on the right hand side.
Salam Alaikom
Do you usually do Jumaa speech on Friday prayer?
if so, is it in English
Walikom asalam,
At the moment the Mosque is closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Usually our Imam delivers the Jumaa speech (Khutba) in both Arabic and English.
Feel free to listen to the latest khutbas in English on
Jazakom Allah khair
Assalamu alaikum,
Can I please have the prayer timetable for this month as well as those that follow.
JazakAllah Khair,
Walikom Asalam,
I am working on addressing this issue. Keep an eye out on: where it will be up in the coming days!
Jazakom Allah khair
Asak Please can you tell me if there is namaz arrangement on 12th August 2019. I am visiting for a day.
I am new in Eastbourne. I just wonder where will be Friday prayer as I understand mosque is under construction.
Thank you
Asalamu Alikom KK,
Welcome to our lovely town of Eastbourne.
Friday prayers are being held currently temporarily at:
Langney Village Hall,
Etchingham Road
East Sussex
BN23 7DX
Prayers start from approx. 1:15 pm.
This is the case until our new mosque is completed.
Jazakom Allah khair
Friday prayer are held at the mosque as it it has been functional for about one year now
When edul azha will be celebrated in Eastbourne and where and when congregation will take place
Asalamu Alikom
All the details for eid celebrations are on:
Jazakom Allah khair
Al Salam alikum, do you have prayer time for one month and how to get it. Jazakoum Allah khiran
Walikom Asalam,
I am working on addressing this issue. Keep an eye out on: where it will be up in the coming days!
Jazakom Allah khair
If put on jamah time will be good for every one.jazak Allah kairan.
Asalamu alikom.
The difficulty with doing this is that Jamah times will vary depending on when it’s announced and so will be difficult to predict in advance. I will discuss this with our Imam to see if we can come up with a solution.
Jazakom Allah khair
Apparently we have Eid gathering together coming! Could you please tell me date & time?
Also, please let know me know if someone will willing to pickup us?
I am revert single Mother of two little one! Mohammad only 3 & Fatima 23 months only!
I would much appreciate it for your reply!
Jazaka Allhu Khrayian
Walikom Asalam,
Eid prayers and party details have been posted here:
Please visit the website later today when we will be able to update everyone as to which day Eid will be inshaAllah.
Jazaki Allah khair
Is jumua salah still in lagney village hall? and at what time?
It is indeed. And it’s at 13:15 inshallah.
Is there a phone number we can contact you? I have been to the Langley village hall BN23 7DX for the Friday prayer, and it seems to be closed.
At the moment we don’t have an active phone line due to the ongoing construction works. We have a community WhatsApp group which we can add you to keep you posted. Feel free to email your number to: webmaster[at] and I can arrange for you to be added.
However, Jumah prayers are still being held at Langney Village Hall from 13:00 every Friday for the foreseeable future.
Why are you all mosques not the same time table for East Bourne?
Asalamu alikom, I am not sure what other sources are providing salah times but kindly please follow the timetable here which is the official salah timetable produced by our Imam. Jazakom Allah khair.
Is mosque open for friday prayer now?
Asalamu alikom, it’s open for Friday prayer but you must book your attendance in advance on:
Jazakom Allah khair