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Ramadan 2023 Announcement

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Assalaamualaikum warahmatullah

Dear brothers and sisters,

We are pleased to announce that inshaa Allah Ramadan will begin on Thursday the 23rd of March 2023. Taraweeh prayers will start from Wednesday 22nd March 2023 at 09:00pm.

Below are some updates for our community to consider during this holy month:


Taraweeh prayers will be held at 09.00pm throughout the month of Ramadan.

From Sunday 26th March, Ishaa & Taraweeh prayers will start at 10:00pm in view of the clock change.

If you can, please continue to wear masks in and around the mosque for your protection and those around you.

Please be mindful of our neighbours and our local community. Be considerate with your parking and limit the noise and disturbance outside the Mosque.


Please car share as parking is limited.

Park away from the Mosque to avoid congestion and bear in mind our neighbours.


It is always good to see children in the masjid. Parents are advised to ensure they take care of their children and minimise any noise.


Ramadan is the perfect month to be charitable. Please do charity and zakat more and more. There will be collection for our Mosque every evening after taraweeh prayers.

External organisations may wish to come and have a collection on week days except Fridays. All such requests should be passed on to Br Khalil.


Please pay Zakatu Al-Fitr £5 per individual in your family. Please pay direct to EICC bank account or via Paypal. Here is the link. Please use “Zakat-ul-Fitr” for reference.

Please ensure that your Zakat-ul-Fitr payment is made before Eid prayer.

Your donations will be sent to Muslim Aid as per our usual practice.

May Allah accept our fasting, charities and all acts of worship and make this month a source of blessing, unity of hearts and intentions and guidance for us all.

JazaakoumAllah khair,


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