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Islamic Madrasah

Eastbourne Islamic Cultural Centre (EICC) are proud to offer an Islamic Madrasah (school) to teach and educate our youth about Islamic values and principles.

Enrolment for the new 2023-24 Madrasah academic year will be on Sunday 10th September 2023 between 11am – 1pm and 2pm – 4pm at Eastbourne Mosque.

During this time parents will need to complete the application forms for their child/children, read the Madrassa rules (see below for a digital copy) and pay the first terms payment upfront.

Please note that all payments will need to be in cash until further notice

To ensure the smooth running of the Madrassa (inshaAllah) it will be necessary for cash payments to be made by either the first Madrassa day of the academic year, term or half term, depending on how you choose to pay!

The annual school fees will be £300 per child (sibling discount will be available)

EICC Madrasah 2023-24 Calendar

The school features:

  • Islamic Studies: In this component, many important aspects of Islam are taught, such as: Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence; the rules and practices we follow in Islam such as purification, prayer etc.), Aqīdah (learning and understanding Islamic beliefs), Sīrah (The biography of the Prophet Muḥammad, peace be upon him, and its relevance), Islamic history, spanning the lives of all the previous Prophets as well as major events of importance. Ādāb (Islamic manners and etiquette, essential to a moral and rewarding life). Our weekly “story time” has for purpose to teach children about these important topics
  • Basic Arabic Reading /Qurʾān: a great deal of importance is given to the correct recitation of the Qurʿān. The first stage of this is learning how to read the Arabic script. This is done by means of teaching the Arabic alphabets and rules of basic pronunciation using a text known as the Qāʿidah in a way suited to the needs of students whose native tongue is not Arabic. After completion of the Qāʿidah, the students progress to recite the Juz ʿAmma and then progress to begin reciting the Qurʿān. During the last two stages, more complex rules of reading and reciting (Tajwīd) are taught.
  • Memorisation (of key duʿās and sūrahs) along with the translation to ensure pupils understand what they say in Salat etc. Pupils are encouraged to memorise the last 20 Chapters of the Quran with meanings to enable them to recite in their prayers

Please review the following documents carefully:

EICC Madrasah Policies

Should you require anymore information about the registration day please contact us on